I wish I had known that breastfeeding is difficult for many moms. My mom didn't struggle with breastfeeding me or my brother so I had the misconception it would be easy for me too.
I wish I had known that breastfeeding feels like pulling, not pinching, and that you should hear your baby sucking and swallowing, one after the other, to know they are feeding well.
I wish I had known that babies nurse differently every time, and that is okay. During the day Aya breastfeeds quickly, but at night she takes her time. Sometimes she is very active while she eats and stops to look around. Other times she is focused entirely on feeding. Sometimes, she is fussy while feeding and other times very relaxed. For a period of time, Aya would cry after every feeding until she could burp, and now she never does.
I wish I had known that nipple shields can help considerably in the beginning to heal cracked and bleeding nipples. Please make sure you are in contact with a lactation specialist before using one however, as prolonged use can cause a decrease in milk supply.
I wish I had known that your neck and back muscles have to get stronger before breastfeeding feels very comfortable. I was quite sore in the beginning as I learned to position Aya in the best way for us.
I wish I had known that nursing snacks are essential during night feedings in the beginning weeks. I kept a water bottle, nuts, and dried fruit next to my rocking chair.
I wish I had known that keeping a nightlight on helps in the beginning when you are learning to help your baby latch on.
I wish I had known that breastfeeding might take a lot longer than you expect to get the hang of. I had heard over and over again to give it two weeks before making any decisions. In my case, it wasn't until Aya was 3 months old that I began to feel like it was something I could enjoy.
I wish I had known it isn't always easy to tell when your baby is finished eating. Sometimes Aya doesn't come off of the breast on her own and sometimes she comes off after just a few very short minutes and I know I have to encourage her to eat more.
I wish I had known that breastfeeding is an art, not the science I often want to make it. Breastfeeding is about learning to trust your baby and yourself rather than watching the clock or feeding exactly the way a book tells you to.
I wish I had known that in the beginning it is important to nurse your baby every 2-3 hours during the day, even if she is sleeping. This not only helps you establish your milk supply, but it also helps your baby learn the difference between day and night.
I wish I had known that if you have a question while feeding your baby don't wait until you have a problem before you call for help to get your answer.
I wish I had known what to expect in the beginning. I had no idea what was normal. (See The early days for some insights into the first weeks)