Saturday, September 25, 2010

Works for Everything

I have come to love the fact that nursing seems to work for everything. Before Aya was born, I thought of nursing primarily as the way I would feed Aya. After she was born, I continued to think of it this way. I would feed her and then "watch the clock" for the next time it seemed as though she was probably hungry again. It didn't matter if she cried or fussed in between--I always assumed she was distressed for a reason other than needing to nurse. I knew the hunger cues to watch for, but for some reason I found them very difficult to read so I followed the clock instead. Aya would eat and then begin to suck her hands again a half an hour later...certainly she couldn't be hungry again--or was she!? Looking back, I think Aya needed to nurse far more often than I offered. She might not have always been hungry but she certainly was upset and nursing might have been the perfect way to soothe and comfort her.

Now I feed Aya whenever it seems right. Often it is because I can tell she is hungry but now I also nurse her when we have been apart for awhile, when she seems sensitive or unsure. It makes me happy to know I can meet most all of her needs by holding her close and letting her nurse.

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