I have been thankful these days that I am still nursing while working. I love knowing that although Aya can be fed, cared for, tickled, held and rocked by anyone, only I can nurse her-and sometimes that is the only thing she wants. Going back to work has been an adjustment on many levels. I have had to realize that someone else will know Aya's daily routine better than I will. I have had to realize that someone else might have a better idea of how much food she needs, which kinds she likes better than others, and exactly when she has had enough. Someone else may see her do things first and have a better sense of her daily rhythms. I have had to learn to listen to what my sitter has learned about Aya, rather than tell the sitter what I know about Aya. I have had to learn that it is good and okay that Aya will bond with another caregiver and love her, too. All the while, through my learning and letting go, I still know Aya needs me to nurse her. For that, I am very grateful.
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