My little Aya was sick this week. On Wednesday night she woke up around midnight and was burning hot. As a breastfeeding mom, I was so grateful I could instantly comfort her by feeding her. I wasn't surprised she was sick. The little boy at her sitter's house had come down with an ear infection and strep earlier in the week. The rest of the night was fretful for Aya. She called out in her sleep often. As I lay in bed listening for her, I felt so grateful I am still breastfeeding. I felt like it enabled our Aya to keep resting despite the fact she was miserable. I wondered what the mother who doesn't breastfeed does to comfort her sick baby and help her to sleep. Does she continue to warm bottles? Does she rely on rocking? As I drifted back into sleep, while still on high alert for Aya, I felt comforted knowing I could let Aya breastfeed all night long if she needed to. Having an option that guaranteed comfort and rest for her was a relief to me and a proud moment.
The next day we took Aya to the doctor and ruled out an infection. I also took her to the chiropractor for an adjustment. Mostly though, we nursed. She wasn't happy with solids as she often takes during the day. Instead, she just wanted me, and often. Two naps were spent laying close to me, nursing. She was easily comforted by nursing and easily nursed into peaceful, healing slumbers. I expected Aya to be sick for longer than she was because her buddy next door was sick for an entire week. But Aya seemed to rebound really quickly. I owe it all to breastfeeding, its antibodies, its comfort, and its healing. I read later it is good to nurse a sick baby as often as they will drink to speed healing. I wouldn't have had to read this however; Aya's body let me know that was what she needed. Amazing.
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