Monday, January 31, 2011

Babies Want to Nurse

I read somewhere recently that babies really want to nurse.  Here are some experiences I have had while nursing Aya that lead me to believe this must be true.

In the beginning, when my milk supply far exceeded what Aya needed and my letdown was too fast for her small mouth, Aya continued to try nursing, even while sputtering and choking.  She cried in protest to tell me something was wrong, but she never stopped trying to make it work.

When Aya was sick last week, and too stuffed up to drink and breathe at the same time, she still found a way to nurse.  It looked uncomfortable and it looked like hard work, but Aya kept coming back for more. 

Aya lets us know when she doesn't want something and just about everything at one time or another has fallen into this category.  Sometimes she wants up, sometimes down.  Sometimes she loves applesauce and peas and other times she won't touch them.  Sometimes she likes to explore on her own and sometimes she wants to be close.  Yet Aya never turns down nursing.  It seems to be something she always wants to do. 

It must be true.  Babies must know their mother's milk is good for them, body and spirit. 

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